Teacher Task Set: Talking Exponents Teacher Task Set
Archive for category: Connecting Representations
Goal: Think like a mathematician! Connect three dimensional shapes to numeric expressions by chunking and connecting to math you know. Student Reflection: Composite...
Goal: Think like a mathematician! Connect shapes to descriptions by chunking and connecting to math you know. Student Reflection: CR_Student Reflection_Shape to...
Goal: Think like a mathematician! Connect shapes to descriptions by chunking and connecting to math you know. Student Reflection: CR_Student Reflection_Shape to...
Goal: Think like a mathematician! Connect visuals to expressions by chunking and connecting to math you know. Student Reflection: Sums of...
Goal: Think like a mathematician! Connect problem situations to visuals by chunking and connecting to math you know. Student Reflection: Sharing...
Goal: Think like a mathematician! Connect visuals to numbers by chunking and connecting to math you know. Student Reflection: Visualizing Decimals pdf ...
Goal: Think like a mathematician! Connect problem situations to expressions by chunking and connecting to math you know. Student Reflection: Bags of...
Joshua’s mail truck travels 14 miles every day he works, and is not used at all on days he...
Goal: Think like a mathematician! Connect written statements to expressions by chunking and connecting to math you know. Source: Illustrative Mathematics Additional...
Mon31Mar2025Orange County, CA
Wed16Apr2025Cambridge MA
Tue29Apr2025Orange County, CA
Mon19May2025Tue20May2025Cambridge MA