Bag of Marbles

Jing and Ella bought a bag of marbles to share.

Jing opened the bag and she gave half of the marbles to Ella.

Then she gave 2 of her marbles to her brother.

Jing had 4 marbles left for herself.

How many marbles were in the bag at the start?


Source: Task shared by Tara Washburn from Brookline Public Schools, MA

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  1. cbrandwein 7 years ago

    Today I taught the 3 Reads Routine for the first time, using this task. I taught this to a small group of ELL students whose language proficiencies are between levels 1 and 4. What I noticed is that the format of 3 Reads somehow allows students to be more relaxed about the reading and thinking process. I think the freedom comes partly from being given the time to read the problem 3 times and partly from being asked not to blurt out the answer. The explicit instructions that go with each of the 3 reads is very helpful to students.


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