Join Amy and Grace for professional learning

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What are you looking for in professional learning in 2025? We’d like to hear from you in this 5 minute survey!
Consider customized professional learning
Grace and Amy customize experiences, integrating resources with school and district goals that coalesce into robust learning experiences for teachers and transfer into rich learning for students.
Their work provides teachers and districts with practical strategies and structures to improve student learning and to build capacities for propagating the work through existing district-based learning structures.
Explore Grace & Amy’s books
Routines for Reasoning
Provides insight into the mathematical practices, supports for specials populations, and repeatable instructional routines to develop mathematical thinking.
Teaching for Thinking
Explores the ways in which reasoning routines can be leveraged to engage students in mathematical discourse and thinking all the while developing equitable teaching practices.
Explore podcasts & other media
Grace and Amy share their insights via podcasts and explore the power of reasoning routines, specific supports for special populations, and ways in which routines support teachers. Listen to podcasts from Heinemann, ELLevation Highest Aspirations, and Texas Instruments Room to Grow.